Bevel Cup & Speed Guard 中国设计师力夺2012红点至尊奖

freee112013-01-16 10:03:33

designer Bevel Cup & Speed Guard 中国设计师力夺2012红点至尊奖

素有设计界“奥斯卡”美称的德国红点设计大奖(Red Dot Award)它的历史可以追溯至1955年,是现今世界上知名设计竞赛中最具影响力的一个全球性设计竞赛,它在设计师心中的份量自然也是不言而喻的。在2012红点奖的获奖者中来自中国杭州微客联合设计机构的两位设计师高凤麟(上图右)和周步谊(上图左)凭借着他们出色而优秀的创意一举拿下两个奖项并斩获最高奖-红点至尊奖(red dot:best of the best)。两个红点奖获奖作品Bevel Cup 和 Speed Guard(至尊奖)可以说各有千秋,它们分别从不同的角度体现出了工业设计师对生活和社会的关注也体现了极大的人文关怀,我们为中国能有这样出众并且优秀的设计师而感到骄傲。

cup01 Bevel Cup & Speed Guard 中国设计师力夺2012红点至尊奖

Generally, when a cup is out of use for a time, dusts in the air may come into the cup.As a result, we need to wash it before the next time we use it. However, if we keep thecup downwards, the edge that touches to other things is dirty for use, too.In this design, we reformed the handle of the cup, and make it 40°angle to horizontal plane.That helps the cup standing on the table aslant without edge touching. In addition, we also consider about the factor of barycenter and comfortable grasping of the handle, that’s why we recommend the angle of 40°.


cup02 Bevel Cup & Speed Guard 中国设计师力夺2012红点至尊奖cup03 Bevel Cup & Speed Guard 中国设计师力夺2012红点至尊奖Speedguard01 Bevel Cup & Speed Guard 中国设计师力夺2012红点至尊奖

This is a new dashboard what has the function of alarmingspeed limit. If the car surpasses the running road’s speedlimit , The excess part of display will show alarm color. Forthe reason that the car is moving fast, the whole process of information receiving connect to GPS positioning system. The speed limit brand is not only a visual sign, but also a facility with the function of signal emitting.


Speedguard02 Bevel Cup & Speed Guard 中国设计师力夺2012红点至尊奖Speedguard03 Bevel Cup & Speed Guard 中国设计师力夺2012红点至尊奖


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